The Art of Forza Motorsport 3

Forza Motorsport 3, released on October 27, 2009, is one of the best racing games ever made due to its excellent array of single and multiplayer game modes, large and varied selection of cars, incredibly realistic racing physics and unparalleled accessibility (at least within the racing simulator genre). Another important aspect that Forza 3 also […]

So, NaNoWriMo Has Officially Started…

The only question is, am I going to participate this year? Well, I’m going to give it a shot, but I still can’t be totally sure I’ll be able to make it to 50,000 words and be proud of the 50,000 words I’ve written. Ever since I found out about NaNoWriMo, I’ve been racking my […]

So…Next Month is NaNoWriMo…

That’s National Novel Writing Month to the uninitiated and, long story short, I’ve been thinking of writing something this year. I found out about it back in late ’07 and while I thought I wanted to write something, I never got around to taking the project seriously. Last year, NaNoWriMo passed me by, without me […]

Gran Turismo PSP Review

At a Glance: Gran Turismo PSP is a game that gets the fundamentals down but drops the ball in its execution. Originally announced as one of the flagship titles of the then yet to be released PSP, Gran Turismo Mobile quickly dropped off of the radar into vaporware territory. Well, imagine everyone’s surprise when, at […]

Picked Up A Few Albums Recently

While I was driving home from some errands I had to run a few days ago, I passed by a local FYE store and decided to go in. Normally, I shy away from FYE because they are typically more expensive than other, larger retailers such as Best Buy but there was a huge sign in […]

Mass Effect Pinnacle Station Review

Due to my Mass Effect fandom, I bought the recently (and very, very quietly) released Pinnacle Station DLC without even thinking about it. Big mistake. So, I reviewed the content for Talk Xbox (my first review in months) and, in traditional fashion, here’s the first paragraph of said review. “Long before Mass Effect was released, […]

Thoughts About the Zune HD

If you’ve been reading my prior blog posts, dating back to about two years ago to the present, you’ll probably remember that I purchased one of the Halo 3 Edition Zunes. In those two years, I’ve grown to love my little 30GB Zune, as it has delivered just about everything I could reasonably expect from […]

I Bought an iPod Touch

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been somewhat of a Zune fanboy. I certainly had my reasons. My first MP3 player was a 20 GB iPod that I loved for about a year, until the hard drive was somehow corrupted and it stopped working. After several unsuccessful attempts to resurrect my poor iPod, I […]

My Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Day Two

Remember how I closed my last blog post? How I said I was going to try to get a good night’s sleep? Yeah…that didn’t happen. At 3:30 AM, I woke up to intense, throbbing pain in my jaw. Seemed the painkillers had worn off in the wee hours of the morning, just in time to […]

My Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Day One

Okay, it wasn’t quite as horrible as this… So…I had my wisdom teeth removed earlier today. This is something I’d been dreading for years, ever since they came in. Having heard a bunch of nasty stories of impacted wisdom teeth, which essentially entails your wisdom teeth not coming in properly, or not even exiting the […]

The Art of Creating a Vigilante

Hmm…I’m having a sort of dilemma in my writing. First, a little back story to get you up to speed on what this post is about. I’m in the process of writing a book from scratch. I’m also in the process of rewriting a book I started back in the eighth grade. What these books […]

Race Pro Impressions

Two days ago, I picked up Race Pro, a game I’ve been highly anticipating since its announcement in the form of an Xbox 360 version of the PC racing sim, GTR 2. This title hails from Simbin, a developer that has been heralded as one of the best in the business of creating racing simulators. […]

The Rave…A Short Story

Here’s a short story I wrote as a bit of a personal challenge, having been given three story prompts to include. A rave party A bottle of Smirnoff vodka A Piece of rope I’ve taken the liberty of creating a separate page just for that story so in the future, it will always be easy […]

Auto Show 2009 Wrap Up

Well, the 2009 North American International Auto Show has come and gone and I, being the lover of all things with four wheels and an engine (no, this doesn’t mean I hate motorcycles) that I am, made a trip down to downtown Detroit’s COBO Hall to see what automakers had in store for us this […]